José Manuel Pérez Tornero
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)
Journalist and Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Coordinator of the Cooperation Program on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (UNESCO/UNAOC-MILID Network).
Co-director of the UNESCO Chair in Media and Information Literacy and Quality Journalism. Doctor Honoris Causa from Aix-Marseille University. PhD in Communication from the UAB. Graduate in Information Sciences (Extraordinary Journalism Award). Graduate in Hispanic philology.
Former President of RTVE (Radio Televisión Española). Former member of the executive of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union). Former President of COPEAM (Standing Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual). Former Director of cultural and educational programmes on television. Consultant for UNESCO and the European Union on public audiovisual services and media and digital literacy.
Hi has published books, scientific and journalistic articles on media, television, media an information literacy, semiotic and culture (see here).
He has researched about media literacy, media effects, content analysis, public service (see here).
Santiago Tejedor
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)
Director del Departamento de Periodismo y Ciencias de la Comunicación de la UAB. La carrera científica de Santiago Tejedor incluye la publicación de libros y capítulos de libros en prestigiosas editoriales nacionales e internacionales, y artículos en revistas indexadas nacionales e internacionales de alto impacto. Además, ha participado de forma continuada durante 20 años en 80 proyectos y contratos de investigación, correspondientes a convocatorias y concursos competitivos (I+D+i; Profit call del Ministerio de Industria; Comisión Europea, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo -PNUD-, UNESCO , Santander Universidades, entre otros) y contratos privados; con un total de 13 contratos de investigación y transferencia. En el marco de estos contratos ha tenido la oportunidad de trabajar y formar a jóvenes investigadores, principalmente en las áreas de periodismo,
His research work has materialised in 82 articles in indexed journals of impact, 143 books and/or book chapters and a total of 75 additional publications of other nature; together with his work as guest editor in 8 monographs of national and international journals on topics of communication, technology, journalism and education, and his work as evaluator of 22 national and international scientific journals.
Cristina Pulido
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Professor Serra Hunter of the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the UAB. His line of research is linked to medical literacy, quality journalism, prevention of online harassment, social networks and social impact.
She is a member of the cabinet research team and currently academic coordinator of the International Master of Communication and Education.
Belén Sancho
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Journalist and PhD Student in Communication and Journalism (UAB). Her professional experience is related to academic research in the areas of digital journalism, media literacy, disinformation, social media and hate speech
Academic coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Environmental Communication and the Master’s Degree in Management of Political and Electoral Communication (UAB). She is research support technician for R&D projects on media literacy and fact-checking.
Kelly Robledo
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Journalist and PhD Student in Communication and Journalism (UAB). Her professional experience is related to academic research, university teaching and management, and journalism. She researches in the areas of digital journalism, media literacy, transmedia communication, branded content and corporate storytelling.
Academic coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Travel Journalism and research support technician for R&D projects on media literacy and fact-checking (UAB).
Elena Hita
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Culture and travel journalist. Her professional experience is related to the world of cultural journalism, working in cultural digital magazines and editing, proofreading and layout of texts.
Academic coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Communication and Education and research support technician in the Communication and Education Research Group (UAB).